Stopping Cervical Radicular Pain In Its Tracks! Effective assessment and management for cervical radicular pain and neural mechanosensitivity

  • 8:00 am – 12:00 pm, The Davis Center University of Vermont, Livak Ballroom
  • $75 with the option to add on an interprofessional lunch
  • CCU’s: 4 hours for Physical Therapists and Occupational Therapists Approved!
  • Attendees do not have to attend the conference in order to attend the workshop


Join Dr. Richard Ellis (PT, PhD), Associate Professor of Physiotherapy, Auckland University of Technology. Cervical radicular pain can become a precursor to chronic neck and arm pain. Early identification of cervical radicular pain and neural mechanosensitivity can significantly mitigate the development of chronic pain. This practical workshop will couple demonstration and practice of a variety of clinical skills for both the assessment and rehabilitative management of cervical radicular pain and neural mechanosensitivity.

By the end of this interactive workshop, clinicians should be able to practice and demonstrate:

1. Assessment techniques for the early identification of cervical radicular pain and neural mechanosensitivity
2. Rehabilitative management (i.e., non-surgical and non-pharmacological) techniques for cervical radicular pain and neural mechanosensitivity